We’ve updated our holiday survival toolkit to help you and your and your employees get through the holidays!

Buckle in – it’s time for super stress season! The weeks from Thanksgiving to New Year’s Day are arguably the most stressful time of year. On the upside, holidays can afford rich time with family and friends. On the downside, there are pressures around money and time. Holiday festivities can be fun, but they can also tempt us stray dangerously from our normal eating, drinking, exercise, and sleep habits. Plus, any fault lines we have in our lives seem to intensify – loneliness, grief, separation, family dynamics, etc. So while holidays can hold joys for many, the flip side can be pretty intense.

Our holiday survival toolkit is intended to help you and your staff get through the holidays. Plus, we remind our Members that your EAP is available 24-7-365 for help with any difficulties you may experience.

At the Workplace

Avoiding stress & problems

Staying Healthy

Keeping a Sober Season

Family Matters

Holidays after a divorce

Special situations

Keeping Safe

Money and finance

Security & Crime Prevention

Guide to Meaningful & Charitable Gift-Giving


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