EAP Employer Services
ESI offers more benefits, more services for management & better results than traditional EAPsMore EAP Employer Services Than Traditional EAPs.
You and your front-line managers need the tools and services to help deal with important compliance
and liability issues. The 20% of your workforce who will experience life problems account for most involuntary
terminations. They file more workers’ compensation claims, are absent more often, and incur more disability costs.
We have redefined the EAP concept to include an entire menu of management focused solutions to help you
minimize costs and maximize productivity. Our EAP provides an important adjunct to your internal Human Resource staff.
Resource Library
HR News Roundup: Employee Engagement, Pay Transparency Laws & More
This issue of HR News Roundup includes items about the employee experience, the multi-generational workforce, pay transparency laws, how leaders develop a coaching mindset, salary projections, and more. Don't miss our quick links and the fun items from "the lighter...
Workplace Immigration Resources for Employers & Employees
We’ve compiled a variety of expert resources to help employers address workplace immigration-related issues. We’ve also compiled resources for any employees who may be immigrants or who have family, friends, or neighbors they may be concerned about. While we aren’t...
February Key Dates & Events for Employee Communications
Looking for tools and information on February key dates and events that you can use in your employee communications? Check out our suggestions! American Heart Month - A time to focus on the importance of our own cardiovascular health and the heart health of those we...