EAP Employer Services
ESI offers more benefits, more services for management & better results than traditional EAPsMore EAP Employer Services Than Traditional EAPs.
You and your front-line managers need the tools and services to help deal with important compliance
and liability issues. The 20% of your workforce who will experience life problems account for most involuntary
terminations. They file more workers’ compensation claims, are absent more often, and incur more disability costs.
We have redefined the EAP concept to include an entire menu of management focused solutions to help you
minimize costs and maximize productivity. Our EAP provides an important adjunct to your internal Human Resource staff.
Resource Library
HR News Roundup: Rightsizing HR, Student Loan Benefits, Tough Conversations & More
This issue of HR News Roundup includes items on rightsizing HR, Student loan benefits, leadership, difficult conversations, and much more. What’s the ‘Right’ Number of HR Employees? Elissa Tucker, Human Resource Executive In this article, we highlight cross-industry...
Key September Dates for Employee Communications
When you think of September, you probably think about Back to School - and while that's true and an important time for families, there are many other key September dates and events that you may want to highlight in employee communications. Here's our pick:. National...
Preteen Suicides on the Rise
In the face of rising preteen suicides, we offer warning signs and help resources for parents, teachers, and other child caretakers September is Suicide Prevention Month, a time to increase awareness of this stigmatized and often taboo topic. But while suicide affects...