Public Safety EAP
Public safety responders are different. They put their lives in jeopardy every day. They have different stressors. Public Safety EAP is designed to address the specific issues that public safety personnel and their families face every day. Our Peak Performance Benefits are redefining the EAP. We start with all the traditional EAP counseling services designed to address significant life problems and we add Work/Life benefits to address the everyday problems involved in juggling work and family. But that’s not all. We go one step further to deliver benefits designed to enhance quality of life not just for your employees and their family members, but for managers and supervisors, too. And we help all employees to achieve their Peak Performance best through training, coaching and wellness. Check the topics below to learn more.
- Challenges of Military Deployment & Homecoming
- Budget Helpers for Public Safety Personnel
- Mental Health Issues for First Responders
- Public Safety Family Matters

With so many veterans, reservists and National Guard among the population of Public Safety personnel, deployment and post deployment issues are common. This resource center is designed to offer links and resources for deploying or returning military service members, their families, and their employers. Resources range from family support groups, practical resources, and tip sheets to help with problems that veterans might experience. There are also links on employment law and hiring resources for employers.
Topics include:
- Family Resources
- Service Members & Veterans
- Problems
- Dealing With Disabilities
- Resources for Employers

Tough economic times are putting a strain on budgets – both on the job and off. This resource center offers tools to bolster budgets – both for you and for your department. Find links to special offers and discounts on arms, gear and equipment, along with other tools, links, articles and advice.
Topics include:
- Special Offers & Discounts
- Free Technology & Media Tools
- Financial Services & Assistance
- Articles, Tips and Advice
- Grants and Assistance
- Free Professional Development Opportunities

First responders face special challenges – including heightened stress and pressure that can take a toll on mental and emotional well being.
This resource center offers links, tip sheets and tools to “help the helpers.”
Topics include:
- Critical Incident Stress Management (CISM)
- Managing Stress
- Dealing with Depression
- Substance Abuse
- Suicide Prevention
- Quick Tips – Tip Sheets & Handouts

First responder families face special challenges and demands. The nature of the important work that first responders do can be stressful, disruptive, and often requires immediacy or extended hours – all of which can take a toll on family members as well as workers. This resource center offers links and tools related to a variety of issues that first responder families might face.
Topics include:
- Support Networks
- Reading Room: Books & More
- Home Safety Matters
- Family Issues
- Parenting & Children’s issues
- Domestic Violence
- In the Line of Duty: Resources for Surviving Family Members
- Family blogs
Resource Library
HR News Roundup: Employee Engagement, Pay Transparency Laws & More
This issue of HR News Roundup includes items about the employee experience, the multi-generational workforce, pay transparency laws, how leaders develop a coaching mindset, salary projections, and more. Don't miss our quick links and the fun items from "the lighter...
Workplace Immigration Resources for Employers & Employees
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February Key Dates & Events for Employee Communications
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