We’re happy to see more and more blogs emerging that focus on human resources and the workplace. Here are a few blogs that we’ve been watching and will add to our blogroll:
Race in the Workplace – a blog that explores how race and racism influence our working lives. In addition to providing link roundups to good articles and links on diversity issues, the blog also features some thoughtful essays. Here are a few recent topics: politics in the workplace; why some people discriminate against people of their own race; and the corporate divide between black and white women
The Monster Blog – This is a blog written by staff of the online job giant, Monster. But the blog doesn’t necessarily focus on finding jobs or finding job candidates. Rather, the team describes their effort as, “…a chance to write about an array of issues in a free-form style. Sometimes we’ll talk about the day’s big news stories and sometimes we’ll muse about workplace microwave etiquette — just depends on the day.” A pretty good way to get a sense of what the Monster Blog is all about is to skim through their Top 12 Monster Blog Posts of 2007.
The HR Capitalist – not a newcomer to the field, this well-designed and interesting blog by Kris Dunn has been up and running since December of 2006. He describes his interests as ” …the intersection of the HR practice, technology and business results in today’s organizations. I have a strong interest in areas like recruiting and performance management, but keep an eye towards the thousand other areas that impact HR Generalists at every level.” In today’s post, he talks about why reading SHRM is like eating an unsalted cracker – suggesting that the organization needs to go beyond its meat & potatoes fare by offering customization and opinions – and hiring a few bloggers. He notes that, “Getting and keeping a seat at the table means you have opinions, even if they are unpopular. There’s a name for people without opinions in our profession – they’re called administrators.”
Welcome to the World of HR – This is a blog by staff of Astron Solutions, an HR consulting and technology firm. It covers link roundups to HR news, as well as a series called “What I’m Hearing” where bloggers opine on various topics, such as workplace romance, executive compensation, and 401ks.