Updated April 2024

The summer is a terrific time to focus on your personal wellness. Vacations, walks on the beach, hikes in the woods, and time spent outside playing tennis or sharing barbecues with friends and family are all great ways to lower your stress and bolster your physical and mental wellbeing. June is Great Outdoors Month and July is Parks & Recreation Month – why not enjoy outdoor activities in our nation’s parks? Whatever your favorite activity – biking, boating, bird-watching, climbing, hiking, kayaking, fishing, swimming and more – there is a park where you can “do your thing.”  Find the right park for you by activity or location.

In the summer, there’s an abundance of healthy food with the availability of delicious, fresh vegetables and fruits. Shopping at local farmers markets can offer a healthy nutritional boost to your diet while also supporting your local community. Plus, they are fun – and farmers can offer great tips for produce preparation and storage. To combine exercise and nutrition, look for “pick your own” farms.  July is National Blueberry Month, so load up. At about 80 calories a cup, these little berries pack a nutritional wallop.

Members of ESI EAP have access to many employee wellness benefits. Log in to explore the online Wellness Center or by calling to engage a Wellness Coach for one-to-one help meeting specific nutrition or fitness goals.

Stay safe. Be aware of seasonal hazards

However you choose to pursue summer wellness and enjoy the great outdoors, safety should be paramount. Here are seasonal tips and resources to help you stay safe.



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