February may be a short month, but there is no shortage of important dates and events to acknowledge in your employee communications. We’ve compiled a list of links to helpful resources from event sponsors or topical experts.

February Black History Month –

American Heart Month

February 14th Valentine’s Day

  • Valentines Day – Wikipedia covers the history, traditions, and customs.
  • It’s a good day to focus on heart health. See resources above under American Hearth Month. Is it time for a screening? See When Should You Have a Heart Health Checkup?
  • Valentine’s Day can be annoyingly commercial, but here’s an idea: February 14 also National Donor Day, a good time to look into saving a life! Every day, 20 people die due to a shortage of available organ donors. A single organ donor has the potential to save up to 8 lives!
  • Another non-commercial way to celebrate is to spread the love by participating in  Random Act of Kindness Week, which runs from the 12th to the 18th.
  • Valentine’s day is also a good time to focus on your relationships. See our newsletter Be a lover, not a hater..

Teen Dating Violence Awareness Month

ESI EAP Member Website theme for the month

  • In February, the member website theme is Navigating the Death of a Loved One – Resources include a webinar and relevant content. EAP members can login at the home page:  www.theEAP.com.

Other noteworthy February events:



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