To commemorate National Consumer Protection Week, we’ve compiled some useful tools and resources that you can share with your employees. In these tough economic times, it’s more important than ever to be a savvy consumer.
Making Home Affordable – learn about refinance and modification options available through the new government stimulus plan. Use the self-assessment tools to find out if you are among the 7 million+ homeowners who can benefit.
Guide to Avoiding Foreclosure – information for those who are in foreclosure now or are just worried
about it in the future from the US Department of Housing and Urban Development.
66 Ways to Save Money – tips from the Federal Citizen Information Center – available in English and Spanish
AARP’s Quick Tips for Saving Hundreds of $ per Month – provides answers and assistance to customers of national banks. It assists consumers in filing complaints online by telling them what to provide and what to expect. The site also includes answers to common questions on a variety of consumer topics.
Free annual credit checks – This is the official site to help consumers to obtain their free credit file disclosure, commonly called a credit report, once every 12 months from each of the nationwide consumer credit reporting companies: Equifax, Experian and TransUnion. Learn more about credit scores and why they matter. Also: Tips on Understanding your Credit Report.
Consumer Action Center – order a copy of the 2009 Consumer Action Handbook, an everyday guide to being a smart shopper or search this useful website for the same information. Find tips about preventing identity theft, understanding credit, filing a consumer complaint, filing for bankruptcy, finding a lawyer, and planning a funeral, along with many other useful topics.
10 ways to protect yourself from scams and ripoffs – According to a survey conducted in 2008 by the Consumer Federation of America, the National Association of Consumer Agency Administrators (NACAA), and the North American Consumer Protection Investigators, the top complaints that state and local consumer protection agencies receive concern everyday transactions: car sales and repairs, home improvement work, credit and loans, debt collection, retail sales, utility service, Internet sales, door-to-door and telemarketing sales, and apartment rentals. These tips will help you to avoid scams.
OnGuard Online – practical tips from the federal government to help you guard against phishing, spyware, identity theft and other types of Internet fraud. For other types of fraud, see: Don’t Be Burned by Debt Elimination Scams (PDF) and Avoiding Cashier Check Fraud.