Get Smart! E-Learning at your fingertips

Got 10 or 15 minutes? Explore 8,000+ new courses and trainings to improve your personal and professional life and boost your skills by learning something new!

Select from a variety of video-based e-learning and interactive courses, ranging from micro-learning bursts of under 10 minutes to full courses of 30 minutes or more. Longer sessions have workbooks and facilitator guides. Take the quiz and earn a certificate for your efforts! For an added boost and a deeper dive, work with our Certified Coaches to improve personal finances, communication, fitness, home buying, nutrition, stress management, and more.

Why not check out this enhanced benefit today? Here’s how to access the EAP Training Center:

  1. Go to and click the Employee & Family login button.
  2. Login, or complete a one-time registration.
  3. Click the “Training Center” icon and then on the “New & Improved Trainings” icon.
  4. Use the Search Content bar at the top of the screen – search by topic or course name.
  5. Download a course certificate when completing and scoring at least 80% on the quiz.

Here are a few popular and highly rated sessions to get you started:

  • 7 Ways to Improve Your Memory – 7 minutes
    Explore: Memory
    Get tips to sharpen your memory in 7 minutes!
  • The Benefits of Learning with Podcasts – 8 minutes
    Explore: Mobile
    Explore the world of podcasts and how they can give your learning a boost.
  • Being Productive When Working from Home – 12 minutes
    Explore: Productivity
    Set yourself up for productivity and success.
  • Negotiating for Success – 10 minutes
    Explore: Negotiation
    Improve your negotiating skills and get more of what you want!
  • Managing Stress and Anxiety During COVID-19 – 6 minutes
    Explore: Stress, Covid-19
    Learn to set boundaries, stay safe and manage Covid-19 related anxiety.

Coronavirus Losses

Many of us know someone who has experienced the loss of a loved one during this coronavirus crisis. Remember that you have access to grief counselors at your EAP and self-help grief resources if you log in. We’ve also compiled resources to help you deal with these issues. See how to plan funerals and memorials during the pandemic and get tips for how you can help someone who is experiencing grief given the current safety and social limitations.

Back to School

It’s tough for families to make back-to-school decisions in the middle of a pandemic. Get tips, tools, and resources for back-to-school planning, home schooling, and balancing work-from-home with parenting.

Covid-19: Back to School
Resources for Parents | 800.252.4555

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