We open this week’s HR news roundup with two cool tools – very useful items that we think merit bookmarking for future reference.

31 Core Competencies Explained
Edward J. Cripe, Workforce

“The following is a summarized list of the 31 competencies listed by “cluster” (similar competencies related to a common skill set). Each competency includes a definition and the observable behaviors that may indicate the existence of a competency in a person.”

Business and HR Glossary

“The HRZone Business and HR Glossary provides definitions of popular HR terms and business words, including relevant academic theories and the evolution of terms over time. If you’d like to suggest an addition to the dictionary, please email the editor at editor@hrzone.com.”

Everyone Likes Flex Time, but We Punish Women Who Use It
David Burkus, Harvard Business Review

“Offering flexible workplace schedules seems like a no-brainer. Work has become more flexible — tied less to specific times and places — and gender roles have changed. Letting employees shift their hours to accommodate hectic life schedules makes sense. Surveys show that flex time ranks high on the list of benefits employees want and that women value it even more than men do.
But two recent studies suggest flex-time programs may be costly to the people who enroll in them, especially women.”

CareerCast Identifies Low-Stress and High-Stress Professions for 2017
Mia Mancini, Workforce

“The report analyzes 11 factors that represent the most common stressors in any given profession, such as deadlines, public scrutiny and physical demands. It considers the likelihood a worker will encounter one of the factors in a typical day.”

1 Minute After Her Job Interview, A Teen Got A Rude Text Rejecting Her
A cautionary tale in how NOT to treat a job candidate.

Top Hiring Tips: From HR Professionals, For HR Professionals
Miranda Nicholson, HR Daily Advisor

“To better understand how organizations overcome the hiring challenge, we asked HR professionals with different backgrounds for some of their best tips on hiring the right employee for a role. They gave us some outstanding insights and advice on different pieces of the recruitment puzzle, which we narrowed down into three main takeaways.”

How to Handle Interrupting Colleagues
Francesca Gino, Harvard Business Review

“You’re giving a presentation on the company’s strategic direction when one of your colleagues interrupts you. You pause, address his question, and continue with your point — until he interrupts again. Sound familiar?
All of us have known colleagues, friends, or romantic partners who seem unable to let us finish a sentence. How do you handle them effectively? There are a number of tactics. But it is important to understand when and why people interrupt others.”

Make Performance Reviews Effective Again
Sirmara Campbell Twohill, Workforce

“Performance reviews have taken many different forms, with some companies doing away with them entirely. But they’re still important. Here are some tips to use them effectively.”

More HR news of note



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