If you are planning employee newsletters, intranets, or other communications, we’ve compiled a list of May events with links to helpful resources from event sponsors or topical experts. Some links include tool kits and social media messages related to the event; others offer valuable information on the topic. Here’s our pick of May dates & events that you may want to check out and promote to your employees.

Mental Health Awareness Month

More than 50 million Americans – or 1 in every 5 adults – grapple with mental health issues at some point over the course of a lifetime, but only about half seek help. May is Mental Health Month, a good time to heighten awareness of mental health issues,among your employees, and to raise their awareness of resources for help.

  • MHA’s 2023 Mental Health Month campaign is focused on how surroundings impact mental health, calling for individuals to look around, look within. Download MHA’s May Mental Health Month Outreach Toolkit which includes potential activities that you can do, written newsletter articles,  social media images and post language, fact sheets, worksheets, posters and more) for you to share.
  • The Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration’s (SAMSHA) focus on Mental Health Awareness Month includes a toolkit and various helpful resources.
  • If you or someone you know is in danger of self-harm or harming others, call or text 988 to reach the National Suicide and Crisis Hotline.
  • Please note the following services that ESI EAP provides to our members:
    • Telephonic in-the-moment counseling from clinical professionals 24/7/365 for anxiety, depression, mental health issues.
    • One-to-one professional coaching for stress management, resilience, and wellness issues.
    • Online self-help resources, assessments, and video courses for mental health issues.

National Physical Fitness and Sports Month

National Stroke Awareness Month

Women’s Health

ESI EAP Member Website theme for the month of May

In May, the member website theme is The Science of Happiness. Resources include a webinar and relevant content. EAP members can login at the home page: www.theEAP.com.

Other noteworthy May events:


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