NEW! Telehealth Counseling
You have 24/7/365 access to counselors at your fingertips. Now, you have a new option if you are looking for ongoing therapy services. ESI EAP is partnering with BetterHelp to offer Telehealth counseling as an option for receiving professional clinical care. The benefit provides video, telephonic, and text counseling. Members have access to a network of licensed therapists with specialties that include behavioral health, couples and relationship counseling, religion and Christianity, LGBTQ matters, teen counseling and many more issues. And like your EAP counselors, all sessions are provided by highly experienced counselors with a Master’s Degree or a Doctorate Degree in their field. To access this service, simply call 800.252.4555 and one of our counselors will help you. It’s convenient and the perfect option in this era of social distancing!
Dealing with Loss
Many of us know someone who has experienced the loss of a loved one during this health crisis. It’s particularly hard because families are separated, and the normal grieving rituals that help us deal with loss and show support to those who suffer a loss are disrupted. Remember that you have access to grief counselors at your EAP and self-help grief resources if you log in. We’ve also compiled resources to help you deal with these issues.
- Death, loss, and grief in the time of the coronavirus crisis: funeral planning and memorials
- How can you help someone who is experiencing grief related to the coronavirus pandemic when you or they are confined to home
Helping the Helpers
Healthcare workers and first responders have been front-line heroes keeping us safe during the coronavirus crisis and caring for those who fall ill. They’ve put their own lives in danger and gone above and beyond to serve. Here are just a few ways we can ease their burden and show our support:
- Stay healthy! They don’t need more patients so follow CDC and local health authority guidelines. Practice social distancing and stay at home.
- Call first. Phone or text before going to a doctor’s office, ER, clinic, or hospital. It’s safer for them and for you in this time of high contagion.
- Donate blood. The Red Cross reports a severe shortage, making the job of healthcareworkers even harder. Consider a blood donation.
- Contribute to healthcare charities and organizations. Just make sure that you research to be certain that dollars go to reputable organizations.
- Thank the healthcare workers and first responders in your life. Thank them when you see them – but no hugging or handshakes! Drop a thank you note or a gift certificate in the mail, or find out the charities they support and make a donation in their name.
Coronavirus Scam Alert!
Security experts are sounding the alarm about the high level of coronavirus-related scams and phishing. Common scams happen by phone, email, and text with offers for free home testing kits, bogus cures, fake health insurance, and schemes preying on virus-related fears. They also prey on financial fears offering bogus debt consolidation services and work from home schemes. Crooks often impersonate government agencies. The Federal Trade Commission says to keep your guard high: Don’t respond to calls or texts from unknown numbers; Never share your personal or financial information via email, text messages, or over the phone; Don’t be pressured by “act now” offers or threats; Remember that government agencies will never call you to ask for personal information or money. Keep antivirus and anti-malware protection updated.
Tools for
Tough Times
If you’re experiencing financial hardship related to Covid-19 or any other reason, we have tools that can help.
• Coronavirus Crisis: Tools for Tough Times
Get information on coronavirus relief as well as financial tools to help to avoid eviction or foreclosure, find assistance for utilities, or get ideas for saving money at the grocery store.
• Certified Financial Coaching
Get one-to-one help with budgeting, credit, debt, money management, and stress related to financial problems. The benefit has three core components: telephonic Financial Coaching, Financial Assessments and Financial Education, which includes 200+ online Personal Finance and Investing courses. | 800.252.4555