Is your phone hurting your health?
The New York Times reports on recent studies showing that phones interfere with our sleep, relationships, memory, attention spans, productivity and more. Phones can be addictive because they raise the level of dopamine, a “feel-good” hormone that can lead to dependencies. Now, studies show that phone use also releases the stress-related hormone cortisol, the “fight or flight” chemical we experience when we are under threat. This can cause spikes in our blood pressure, heart rate and blood sugar. Occasional spikes are OK, but the average American spends four hours a day on their phone, increasing the risk of stress related health conditions. We depend on our phones so cutting back can be hard. Experts offer these tips: Turn off sound for all but the most important notifications ● Track your usage ● Reduce your apps to the essentials ● Keep your phone in another room ● Take regular phone-free breaks and activities ● Create phone free zones in your house ● Don’t use your phone right before bedtime. Get more tips for breaking unhealthy dependencies: Login to www.theEAP.com.
Be the change you want to see
Discouraged by how angry and uncivil the public discourse seem today? Here’s the antidote: Start your day with a resolution to make the world a better place, not a worse one. Make it a point to practice tolerance and spread kindness every day: Stop and think before saying or doing something that could hurt someone else ● Give people the benefit of the doubt ● Don’t pass gossip or rumors on ● Don’t let racist, sexist or mean-spirited jokes pass unchallenged ● Be “that one” to reach out and support the victim. If you or a family member faces a difficult or stressful situation on or off the job, you can call your EAP 24-7 for help!
Important EAP Benefit Info
MAY 13th-19th
Nothing is more stressful than legal disputes or problems. These can range from a spat with a landlord or a traffic ticket to more serious issues such as being sued or arrested.
Your EAP’s self-help center features an extensive legal library from NOLO Legal Press to help with researching many common legal situations. You can also access more than 100 legal forms, templates, contracts, and letters of agreement by logging in to theEAP.com and clicking “Legal.”
Tips for National Safety Month
Make your home safer – take a first aid class at Red Cross or download their free First Aid App to keep handy.
One safety focus in June is preventing accidental poisonings. Would you know what to do if your toddler eats pills from grandma’s purse or has had a severe reaction to an insect bite? Don’t guess what you should do, get free, confidential, expert advice at Poison Control 1-800-222-1222 or text to 484848.
www.theEAP.com | 800.252.4555