Job Transition Resrouces

Job Search and Employment Resources

Job Transitions Can Be Stressful

50-State Directory of State Employment Sites

– in addition to providing unemployment resources, state employment websites include agencies that help workers find employment, deal with issues confronting special populations such as veterans, migrants, youth, seniors or disabled workers, and provide retraining and rehabilitation.

Career Toolbox

Despite the current recession, there are plenty of companies in a variety of fields looking for qualified employees. Here are over 100 sites for job listings, resume reviews, networking and more.

Employment from SmartMoney

Practical and expert advice on various topics from surviving job loss and managing money to finding new jobs.

COBRA Health Insurance Continuation Premium Subsidy

Workers who have lost their jobs may qualify for a 65 percent subsidy for COBRA continuation premiums for themselves and their families for up to nine months. The IRS provides information for employers and employees.

Government Jobs

Learn about the many employment opportunities available through the federal government.

10 Social (Networking) Sites for Finding a Job

Find your next job using social media tools. Some of these sites allow you to craft a resume, while others are networking platforms that contain job listings.


This site provides a free look inside more than 21,000 companies with salaries, ratings, and reviews posted anonymously by employees.

Unemployment Insurance

Find information on Unemployment Insurance and links to state Unemployment resources from the Department of Labor. Also see CareerOnestop’s Unemployment Benefits Map

Coping With Job Loss

From’s Career Planning, links and resources for what to do after job loss.

Career One Stop

A U.S. Department of Labor-sponsored Web site that offers career resources and workforce information to job seekers, students, businesses, and workforce professionals to foster talent development in a global economy. It includes links to State Job Banks.

50 Common Interview Questions

Prepare for your next interview with these typical interview questions and review suggestions for ways to respond. Also see The 25 most difficult questions you’ll be asked in a job interview

Health and Retirement Benefits After Job Loss

Resources and fact sheets in English and Spanish for employees and employers from the Department of Labor.

Loss of a Job

Practical money management steps to help you weather the transition.

Weathering the Storm

Tools for Tough Times

(Please login and scroll down to the Featured Solutions section to view this resource.)  Your EAP guide with links to resources on Mortgages and Home Ownership; Debt and Money Problems; Financial Tools; Heating and Home Energy; Gas and Driving, and Frugal Living.

Helping Children Cope in Unsettling Times: The Economic Crisis

If you are struggling with the effects of the bad economy at home, it’s vital not to overlook the anxiety that may be taking a toll on kids. The national Association of School Psychologists offers tips for parents and teachers to help reduce fear, anxiety and uncertainty that many children may be experiencing.

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