A doctor in Texas.an insurance business man and a restaurant manager in Idaho a Kansas shop owner all people who got up and went to work this past week but who never made it back home to their families, all victims of work homicide. Their stories might have been more prominent in the headlines but for the fact that the world’s eyes have been turned to another deadly workplace in Paris, where cartoonists, journalists and cops were all killed while doing their jobs. It’s been a tragic week on the job for many.

Vox recently issued a report on America’s most violent jobs as measured by workplace homicide. The article offers 5 simple charts that tell the story at a glance by breaking down the data – we are reprinting one here about dangerous professions but be sure to check out the others, including a map to see how your state compares. The District of Columbia comes in at 18.7 work homicides per million workers, followed by Arizona at 8.3.


HR and Employment Law News says that the Paris shootings are a reminder of need for workplace violence/gun policies. They discuss this and include a video clip of Charlie Plumb of McAfee & Taft offering information that could both limit your liability in the event of workplace violence involving a gun–-as well as reduce the possibility of such violence.
At ESI EAP, we work with our client employers to develop policies and practices to help prevent work violence and offer counseling that can often help to defuse a potentially explosive situation. We also provide post-incident stress assistance, a service we have had to provide all too often. Your EAP should be a part of your organization’s threat assessment intervention and response plans and can also be a vital resource in addressing troubled employees early. Be sure you know the scope and range of services that your EAP offers in violence prevention, intervention and response.

Here are some workplace violence prevention resources we’ve previously posted:

Violence Threat Assessment for Campuses and Businesses
Workplace Violence: Prevention & Preparation
Violence prevention in the workplace
Tips from an Expert: Warning Signs of Workplace Violence
Planning terminations that involve potentially violent employees
Surviving an Active Shooter Event: Run, Hide, Fight
Workplace Violence – resources and tools
When an ordinary work day turns deadly

When complex employee issues arise, ESI EAP offers member employers direct access to Certified Senior Professionals in Human Resources (SPHR) and senior clinical counselors. If you need an Employee Assistance Program give us a call: 800-535-4841.


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