In 2005, the BBC ran a most entertaining feature called The Worst Jobs in Christmas history – you can view the 48 minute video clip or visit the accompanying website to read about bad seasonal jobs from yesteryear, spanning the Anglo-Saxon to the Victorian era. Believe it, your job will look great in comparison.
Having trouble getting into the seasonal rhythm this year? (video alert) Feeling cranky this season? Take the “How Scrooge Are You” quiz to find out how your register on the “bah, humbug” index. What’s a better antidote to holiday crankiness than a video with cats and Christmas trees? Perhaps an animated cats and Christmas trees video. It’s almost as good as singing reindeer (video alert) and dogs in holiday costumes.
If you are running around at the last minute trying to find a holiday gift for a for a boss, a co-worker, or for the office party grab, experts suggest keeping things practical and impersonal when it comes to work gift-giving. This handy guide to holiday gift etiquette for coworkers offers some “dos and don’ts” for office gift giving. If you are really stuck for a small last minute idea, you might try making your own holiday gift – or here are a few variations on the theme.
And in the how NOT to do things department, may we suggest:
Dave Barry’s Annual Holiday Gift Guide and the Bad Gift Emporium where you can review a gallery of bad gifts that others have been given, and you can also add any of your own to the gallery if you are the recipient of some bad gifts this year.
More holiday silliness:
Christma-Hanu-Rama-Ka-Dona-Kwanzaa – a holiday song by Roy Zimmernan (video clip)
Chrismukkah – resources for a merry mish-mash holiday. Related: Oy to the World – holiday music from the Kelzmonauts
Make a snowflake
Take a tour of Yahoo’s amusing gallery of Santa photos
Jacob Richman’s Chanukah humor page
Christmas Cubicle 2006


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