Seasonal best wishes from your EAP!
All of us at your EAP extend our warmest wishes to you and yours over the holiday season. However and wherever you’ll celebrate and with whom, we wish you happiness and peace! We look to the wonderful prospect of spending time with beloved family and friends who we missed last year. But remember – things won’t always go according to plan. Embrace imperfection and be flexible – easing back to “normalcy” is a process. While things are starting to look brighter, we still face a second year of pandemic holidays. We still need to be cautious and limit our health risks. And times are still tough for many who are struggling with loss, absence, financial worries, illness, stress, child/elder care issues, and more.
If your life is improving, have patience and reach out to those less fortunate. And if you are struggling and things get to be too much during the season, keep the number to your EAP handy. We’re here if you need a lifeline. We have counselors and coaches who are ready to listen and help. Plus, there are more than 25,000 self-help tools and resources at your fingertips in your online help center or app. Please reach out if we can help!
For more resources, please visit our handy 2021 Holiday Survival Toolkit for links and tools to many common holiday problems and issues.
Planning for a fresh start in 2022?
Resolutions can be a great way to quit bad habits or begin positive ones. Why not challenge yourself to learn something new or add one daily positive habit? Here are a few ways to ensure success:
- Make meaningful goals. Be honest with yourself about what you’d really like to change or accomplish.
- Go in with a plan. Focus on things that are within your control. Research the time, money and effort you need to be successful.
- Be realistic. Don’t overdo it. Narrow down to one or two goals you’d most like to make.
- Be positive. Focus on the positives that the change will make in your life, not the hard steps you need to take to get there.
- Expect obstacles. Keep focused on your goal even if you have setbacks.
- Call on your EAP. Get support from coaches, counselors, wellness tools and a wide roster of courses to help you reach your goals.
Don’t dig yourself into debt over the holidays. If you accumulate $1,000 debt on a credit card with a 16% interest rate and make $25 monthly payments, it could take almost 5 years to pay off.
• Protect the vulnerable among
us by getting vaccines and
wearing masks.
• Avoid crowded, poorly
ventilated spaces. Outdoors
is safer than indoors.
• Wash those hands often and
get your seasonal flu shot!
• Stay home if you are sick. Get
tested if you have Covid-19
symptoms or are exposed.
• For more, see the CDC on
holiday celebrations.
www.theEAP.com | 800.252.4555