Save money with your EAP
Did you know that among the benefits your EAP offers, you can save money? Here are just a few of the ways:
Free counseling: Your EAP enables you and your immediate family members no-cost telephonic access to a professional counselor 24/7/365 for “in the moment” assistance with personal issues and family matters. Our counselors are the indus-try’s best, holding either a Master’s or Ph.D. degree and a minimum of five years of clinical experience. Get help for dealing with grief, depression, substance abuse, caregiving, or any other issue that causes you concern.
Consult with an attorney: Need legal help for a non-work related issue? Your EAP offers one free in-depth telephonic consultation with an attorney per legal issue. If more help is needed, you may consult these network attorneys at a 25% reduction in published hourly fees.
Exercise with care in the heat!
Take extra precautions when you exercise outdoors in the hot weather:
- Protect your skin from the sun. Protective clothing is your first line of defense -the more skin you cover, the better. Use sunscreen anytime you’ll be out in the sun.
- Know the signs of dehydration, heat exhaustion and sunstroke: dizziness, nausea, weakness, cramps, fever, headache, dry skin, cramps, and rapid pulse. Take action immediately if you or others exhibit these signs – heat stroke can be life threatening.
- In the hot weather, your motto should be “hydrate, hydrate, hydrate” particularly when exercising. Plain water is the best hydration.
- In the hot weather, your motto should be “hydrate, hydrate, hydrate” particularly when exercising. Plain water is the best hydration.
- Schedule outdoor exercises at the beginning and end of the day when it is cooler and you can avoid the sun at its strongest.
For more tips on summer fitness and exercise, login to your EAP Wellness Center.
Shop healthy, local and green!
Shopping at local farmers markets can offer a healthy nutrition boost to your diet while also supporting your local community. Plus, they are fun! It’s a good way to up your fruit and veggie intake while the produce is at peak flavor and nutrition. Find local produce near you using the USDA Farmers Market Directory.
Have you explored everything your EAP has to offer? Check out ESI’s coaching programs and 300+ trainings and re-sources to improve personal and professional performance…all available to you and your family members at no cost.
I have been immensely pleased with the response & turnaround time of EAP. I have recommended you to everyone! You’re an amazing company that provides excep-tional service. (And I am very hard to please!)
www.theEAP.com | 800.252.4555