The Office – Mark Toth of Manpower Employment Blawg offers a lawyer’s perspective on the premiere of this season’s The Office. He thinks it is a great employment law training aid because you just have to watch it and do the exact opposite of everything you see.
Positive feedback – Kris Dunn of The HR Capitalist talks about praising employees and suggests that HR should try to facilitate a way to get customer feedback directly to the employee who performed the service.
Theory X – Wally Bock of Three Star Management talks about “Theory X,” the old-school view that workers are inherently lazy and will avoid work if they can. He notes that although most managers have adopted more progressive viewpoints today, computerized efficiency programs that reduce everything to time and keystrokes can lead to a resurgence in this type of regressive thinking.
USERRA – Lou Michaels of Suits in the Workplace discusses the case of an army reservist who ran into some problems when trying to return to his job at the Nashville Police Department on his return from Iraq. His job was reinstated by the courts, and Michaels reminds us that. “Reinstatement rights under USERRA are intentionally rigid and always construed in favor of the returning service member. Prompt reinstatement to the employee’s escalator position is mandatory absent very narrow (and difficult to establish) exceptions.”
For your employees
Smart tips for spotting retirment scams – download free brochures from the International Foundation of Employee Benefit Plans.
Monster’s Career Blog notes that in a tough economy, it’s important to make the most of your money, linking to tips and articles with practical advice.
By the numbers
10 ideas about what employees want
10 universal principles of the workplace
10 things HR needs to do in an economic downturn
100 things to do during a money free weekend
1000 voices: family values at work


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