Bullies – Forbes talks about Corporate Bullies, noting that while some executives may find an aggressive style helps them claw to the top, they often can’t sustain their reign. Don’t miss the story’s sidebar: The bully bosses hall of fame.
Leadership – How to lead through change – an interview with Kevin Cashman, leadership author. The Human Capitalist talks about critical skills that differentiate leading-edge HR executives.
Conflict – a recent Canadian study on workplace conflict identifies the causes and effects of workplace conflict in Canada. While conflict can have crippling effects on productivity, staff engagement and working relationships, the report also found that when properly managed, conflict actually benefits organizations, leading to major innovations and better solutions to problems.
Related: the Vertabase Blog offers a simple trick to end team turmoil – the “say it to my face” policy.
*If you didn’t yet see the CareerBuilder Super Bowl ad, it is indeed pretty funny: If you hate going to work every day….(video)
*A creative new use for those sticky notes (video)
*Having trouble getting up in the morning? the Nanda clock might cure what ails you.
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