Every now and again, we like to make a post about someone or something that we find to be an inspiration. Recently, someone passed along this 20 minute video of a comedian named Michael Jr. It sat in our inbox for a few weeks because, well, 20 minutes out of a workday can be hard to find, right? But finally, we made the time to view it and now we’re passing it along to you. We encourage you to find the time to check it out because it is much more than just a comedian telling funny stories to make you laugh. It’s about overcoming obstacles and using those struggles to make you a better, stronger person. It’s about finding a real purpose in life using tools gleaned from the art of comedy. It’s about learning how to make one simple shift in perspective that “will put your alarm clock out of business.” There’s definitely relevance to what you do every day.
Oh, and it’s also about humor.
Here’s a direct link to the YouTube video, If you enjoyed this, check out some of out other posts in the inspiration category.