You might want to bookmark this post and return to it anytime you have a bad day at work. As we’ve noted before, things could always be worse.
We were recently reminded how bad jobs could be when we stumbled on an amusing site featuring the Worst Jobs in History. The site is a companion piece to a British television series by the same name that ran through 2,000 years of horrifyingly bad jobs. You can learn about the jobs your ancestors held – Medieval leech collector, a Tudor groom of the stool, an Anglo-Saxon Guillemot egg collector, a Stuart plague burier, or a Victorian tanner. If you want to see which job you might have held had you lived 1,000 years ago, take the quiz in the career center.
Of course, you don’t need to travel back in time to find some frighteningly bad jobs – there are many contemporary contenders for the titles. Here’s a few nominations that we’ve found:
Business Week: Worst jobs with the best pay
Edugree: 5 worst jobs of 2006
Pop Science: Worst jobs in science
USA Today: 10 worst jobs in sports
CNN Money: America’s most dangerous jobs
CNN Money: 5 Most dangerous jobs for teens