For the 13th consecutive year, is tracking data on the market value of a Mom. More than 6,000 moms were surveyed to quantify hours by job description to compute the yearly average. Moms are multi-talented multi-taskers who perform a variety of roles: CEO, janitor, psychologist, laundry worker, van driver, cook, housekeeper,computer operator, facilities manager, and day care teacher.
Stay-at-home moms work an average of 94 hours per week for a total estimated “mom salary” of $113,586 a year. Working moms — in addition to their 40-hour work week — spend an additional 58 hours on household and childcare jobs, and would earn a total of $67,435 if they collected a paycheck.
You can see more detail on the jobs that Moms perform and how that salary was calculated, or use the salary wizard to build a paycheck for a Mom that you know. Also, see some graphs and charts tracking Moms’ value over the years, infographic style. We’re including one one Working Moms.


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