1. What do you find is most important to your clients when searching for an EAP?1. What do you find is most important to your clients when searching for an EAP? Lowest price High counseling session count High client/member satisfaction rates Quantity/quality of benefits Other (please explain) Other2. What is the greatest concern for your clients who are searching for an EAP?2. What is the greatest concern for your clients who are searching for an EAP? Employee mental wellbeing Timeliness of provider appointments Accessibility of in-the-moment support HR/Administrative support Other (please explain) Other3. How likely are you to contact your ESI EAP representative to discuss options if a client likes our services but has concerns about price, session count, or other factors?3. How likely are you to contact your ESI EAP representative to discuss options if a client likes our services but has concerns about price, session count, or other factors? Very likely Somewhat likely Not likely 4. How would you like to receive information regarding ESI EAP?4. How would you like to receive information regarding ESI EAP? Videos Webinars PDF/Email Campaigns Newsletters Other (please explain) Other5. Are you familiar with our ESI EAP Broker Bonus Program?5. Are you familiar with our ESI EAP Broker Bonus Program? Yes No Please submit your contact info if you would like to learn more about the EIS EAP Broker Bonus Program:NameName First Last Organization NameOrganization NameEmail AddressEmail Address6. Do you have an EAP for your agency?6. Do you have an EAP for your agency? Yes No Unsure Who is your current EAP Provider?Who is your current EAP Provider?Would your organization like an ESI EAP proposal?Would your organization like an ESI EAP proposal? Yes No Contact info for Proposal: NameName First Last Organization NameOrganization NameEmail AddressEmail Address