Temple Grandin is a remarkable person. Perhaps the world’s most well-known adult with autism, she was recently named to the 2010 TIME 100, the magazine’s annual list of the world’s most influential. Grandin was diagnosed with autism as a child and her parents were told that she should be institutionalized. Fortunately, her parents did not listen because today, Grandin she is an American doctor of animal science, a consultant on animal behavior, an animal rights activist, a professor at Colorado State University, a bestselling author, and a noted speaker and author on the topic of autism.
This past year, she was a featured speaker at TED, presenting about how the world needs different kinds of minds. In her engaging presentation, she makes the case that “… the world needs people on the autism spectrum: visual thinkers, pattern thinkers, verbal thinkers, and all kinds of smart geeky kids.” It’s elucidating both from the vantage of enlarging our understanding of autism specifically, and more generally, understanding how to motivate and work with different types of thinking.

More on Temple Grandin
Temple Grandin’s Official Autism Website
Temple Grandin – Wikipedia
Dr. Temple Grandin’s Livestock Behavior page
How does visual thinking work in the mind of a person with autism? A personal account
TIME: Temple Grandin on Temple Grandin


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