Have you made your resolutions yet? Are you committed to starting over, making healthier choices and exercising every day? Making all these changes on our own can be daunting, but with the support of the workplace and colleagues who are also trying to change, chances of success are greater. Creating an environment where employees are encouraged to improve their health pays off for both the worker and the company. Research shows that if an individual makes a behavior change and then goes back to an environment that supports that healthy change, close to 80 percent will maintain the change over a two-year period
January is a great month to endorse wellness for your employees. Workplace events can go a long way at promoting a healthy lifestyle and creating a supportive environment.
This New Year begins with a variety of national health observances and I’ve listed some resources where you can access free materials for workplace events. So get busy, send helpful links to your employees, stuff paychecks with health screening reminders or get serious and begin an all out health initiative.
Health and Wellness Topics for January:
National Volunteer Blood Donor Month
Healthy Weight Week
Cervical Health Awareness Month
National Glaucoma Awareness Month


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