August 4 through 10 is National Farmers Market Week, a great opportunity to promote the benefits of healthy eating and the importance of fresh vegetables and fruits to your employees. One of the emerging workplace trends in wellness benefits is the move to bring Farmers’ Markets right into the workplace. If that concept appeals to you, the CDC offers a toolkit for establishing a worksite-based garden market. For a more simple way to promote healthy eating, why not encourage employees to visit local Farmer’s Market on their lunch break? Sponsor a weekly shuttle service for employees to shop locally. Here are some resources to find a farmers market near you:

National Immunization Awareness Month
Each year in August, National Immunization Awareness Month (NIAM) provides an opportunity to highlight the need for improving national immunization coverage levels. Activities focus on encouraging all people to protect their health by being immunized against infectious diseases. In 2013, the National Public Health Information Coalition is coordinating NIAM activities.For an immunization awareness tool kit with promotional messages, see the National Public Health Information Coalition (NOHIC).
Spinal Muscular Atrophy Awareness Month
SMA is a motor neuron disease. The motor neurons affect the voluntary muscles that are used for activities such as crawling, walking, head and neck control, and swallowing. It is a relatively common “rare disorder”: approximately 1 in 6000 babies born are affected, and about 1 in 40 people are genetic carriers. The Families of SMA offer information and support resources.
Back to School Month
National Safety Council reminds us that “As summer draws to a close, back-to-school season is in full effect. Safety should be a priority for every family as children return to classrooms this fall. It is important for parents to stay up-to-date on the proper safety precautions and share this information with their children to keep them safe throughout the school year.”
Offers a variety of tools ranging from transportation safety to bullying prevention and playground safety. Don’t miss the Back to School Safety Checklist (PDF).
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