Top 5 awesome corporate email policies
At The Chief Happiness Officer Blog, Alexander Kjerulf points to a University of California study on stress and its relation to e-mail. He says, “Don’t get me wrong – I’m not against email. It’s an awesome communication tool, but in many workplaces it is used poorly, and mostly the burden has been put on employees to figure out strategies for dealing with the resulting email onslaught.
I think it’s time for workplaces to take responsibility for this issue at a corporate level and fortunately, some workplaces have done just that and are trying new and better email policies.”
He offers five of the best policies that he’s found.
What High Performers Want at Work
Karie Willyerd, Harvard Business Review:
“A high performer can deliver 400% more productivity than the average performer.
Despite this, when most managers look at workforce statistics, all employees tend to be lumped together into a category so broadly defined that it becomes difficult to take meaningful decisions. If your average employee tenure is six years, is that good or bad? You could benchmark the Fortune 500 and find that indeed you would look pretty good, tied at 40th place. But if the people you are keeping are the low performers and your high performers are leaving, would that be really so great?”
The Whole World Is Fat! And That Ends Up Costing $2 Trillion A Year
Jason Beaubien of NPR Health :
“The McKinsey report estimates the economic impact of obesity around the world at $2 trillion a year. Part of that figure is the cost of caring for diseases that are linked to obesity, like Type 2 diabetes. But there’s an even bigger cost in “the loss of productivity,” Dobbs says. “People suffering from obesity often work less. They have to take more time off sick. They retire early or even die early.”
The United States has the highest obesity rate in the world: 34.9 percent. And while Americans are known for enjoying fast food and being “big,” the other countries in the top five fattest nations might surprise you: Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates, Mexico and South Africa.”
Maternity and Paternity Leave in the United States
The U.S. lags behind most other nations in terms of how much guaranteed maternity and paternity leave is provided to employees. Bridget Miller of HR Daily Advisor notes that, “Similar to the fact that vacation time is not a benefit mandated by federal law, maternity and paternity leave is often left up to the will of the employer. Some employers do provide such leave, and some even provide it with pay. Others have no provision at all and instead require employees to either use personal and/or vacation days or rely on the provisions allotted by the Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA).” She offers and overview of some U.S. laws that cover the gaps.

If you have not updated your handbook this year you are way behind

Michael Haberman, Omega HR Solutions:
“There are a number of new issues that employers need to pay attention to now and some that are coming in the near future. According to a report written by XpertHR some of the trends that need some attention include: “LGBT protection, medical marijuana and no-fault attendance policies are just a few of the trends that employers need to consider when developing or updating their employee handbooks”.
Probably one of the more important policies that need to be addressed is BYOD (bring your own device). As companies either allow or require employees to bring their own mobile devices to work in order to do work, policies need to be put in place and communicated. BYOD is not just a matter of security, though that is a huge issue, it also includes some wage and hour issues. And what about social media use?”
Secrets of the most productive people
Fast Company interviews a senator, a chef, 4 CEOs and a DJ superstar to learn about how they get the most out of their days
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