Wellness programs – Michael Moore of Pennsylvania Employment Law Blog offers some helpful advice on how to stay within your legal limits when embarking on health incentive programs as part of your wellness program. See his blog posting Sizing Up Obesity: Can Wellness Programs Curb BMI ?
Absenteeism – A must read this week is Shirking Working: The War on Hooky – charting measures that some large employers are taking to manage absence. But do these programs go too far? For another perspective, be sure to read the comments at the end of the article. Also, Jon Coppelman at Workers Comp Insider takes one employer to task for absence management practices that terminated a disabled worker for repeated tardiness.
Health insurance – Are Consumer-Directed Health Plans (CDHPs) the wave of the future? Joe Paduda doesn’t think so, and he discusses their limitations in a Business Week article entitled CDHPs: No Rx for Health Care. Essentially, he states that these plans may look good on paper, but explains why the financial burden on plan members is too high.
Management styles – Susan Heatherfield at about.com is always worth a read. One of her recent columns offered some insight on employee empowerment and motivating employees. She cites a study that suggests that different leadership styles might be appropriate for different phases and stages of an organization.


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