The month of June has been named “National Safety Month” by the National Safety Council, which has been dedicating the month to safety-focused themes for the past decade. This year, the designated theme is “Celebrating Safe Communities.”

“Workplace injuries are on the decline, but the number of unintentional injuries incurred off-the-job continues to rise. Since a person inhabits many different communities throughout the day—work, home and every stop in-between—the National Safety Council encourages businesses and individuals to take advantage of the safety education we provide, and reduce the risk of unintentional injury and death in everyday life.”

NSC has broken the month into Weekly themes covering different aspects of safety

  • June 4-8: Workplace safety
  • June 11-15: Driving safety
  • June 18-22: Emergency Preparedness
  • June 25-29: Safety in the Home and Community

For each week, NSC has compiled an array of tools, including safety tips, posters, multimedia, and activities.
The Home Safety Council also commemorates the month, and provides tools and information for work and home. These include a HR Manager’s Guide to Implementing a Hands on Home Safety Campaign. HSC states that its research shows that that home injuries can cost employers up to $38 billion in a single year.
Other wellness observances for June:
June 3: National Cancer Survivors Day
June 3-9: Sun Safety Week
June 11-17: National Men’s Health Week
June 1 – July 4: Fireworks Safety Month


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