We look to business managers as leadership mentors, but who better to take leadership lessons from than a four-star general? Check out this great TED talk by Stanley McChrystal.

In this 15-minute TED Talk, four-star general Stanley McChrystal shares leadership lessons he learned over decades in the military. He speaks of how he was raised with traditional military leadership models, but how leadership today requires different skill sets. McChrystal needed to build consensus and shared purpose with people who had different vocabularies, different experiences and different skill sets. He no longer conducted briefing meetings and pep talks in one room. His messages required communication with a work force over 20 countries via email and chat programs. How can one build a sense of shared purpose among people of many ages and skill sets? By listening and learning — and addressing the possibility of failure.

Access an alternate video source at TED, where there is also an interactive transcript: Stanley McChrystal: Listen, learn … then lead

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